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Why Breathe Green?

Why Breathe Green?
  • 25


  • Por  Francisco Javier Valbuena Ruiz  / 25-04-2024

    Why Breathe Green?

    Recently, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that climate change violates the right to respect for private and family life. This is just one more step in society's clear understanding that the health of the planet determines human health, our own health.

    Illegal open-pit mining, the indifference of many oil companies in extracting crude oil under conditions that are extremely harmful to the environment, and the widely shared mindset of exploiting the Amazon for all its mineral and natural riches have resulted in destruction and death.

    While raising awareness and achieving legal victories are important, we recognize that it is also crucial to repair the damage already caused. We want to be part of the solution, not the problem. We aim to leave our planet a little better than we found it, introducing a "green hope" amidst so much pain, destruction, disease, and pollution.

    To implement this solution, we have taken the initiative to reforest lands devastated by extractive industries, which can also create environments that improve the ecosystem. This reforestation is carried out with endemic species selected by the ancestral wisdom of the Amazon's inhabitants, supported by expert ecologists. By combining both types of knowledge, we ensure the success of our reforestation efforts from both an ecological and a human-cultural perspective.

    The indigenous peoples of the forest have always lived with respect and love for the land. They often refer to it as "Mother Earth" or "Pacha Mama," emphasizing their love and respect for an ecosystem that provides everything they need for their lives. These communities are seeing their environment deteriorate, and as their environment suffers, so does their health; their lives worsen substantially. Diseases have increased significantly, natural environments are being destroyed, rivers contaminated, groundwater poisoned, animals exterminated, and plants devastated. It's a brutal and merciless attack on the planet's lungs. Precisely because it is the planet's lungs, it is also the responsibility of the entire planet to ensure that it continues to perform its function. Climate change originates, among other factors, from the destruction of the Amazon, so by collaborating in this task, we are giving a chance to life; our life and the lives of our grandchildren.

    The Amazon cannot be understood without its people, without its ancestral communities with their culture and worldview. For this reason, our dream is an Amazon reforested hand in hand with the indigenous peoples, who are the true GUARDIANS OF PARADISE.

    We need you! We are counting on you.

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