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Scientific name:
Maytenus laevis
cultural importance, medicinal use, endangered

Chuchuwaso is a highly valuable tree that is unfortunately endangered. Its scarcity is concerning as this plant plays a crucial role in healthcare and has been appreciated for its medicinal properties over time. However, its recognition has increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among Amazonian communities, as this plant is believed to have saved lives. The bark of Chuchuwaso is particularly valuable and is used in various medicinal recipes. One of the most well-known remedies involves taking a portion of the bark and mixing it with sugarcane liquor to treat conditions such as COVID-19, colds, fever, rashes, and malaria, among others.

In addition to its medicinal properties, Chuchuwaso also plays an important role in the region's biodiversity. Its canopies serve as shelter for scavenging birds, and its thick trunk is surrounded by abundant vine vegetation, which is cherished by Amazonian indigenous communities for crafting.

The conservation and protection of Chuchuwaso are essential to ensure the availability of its medicinal benefits and its contribution to the biological diversity of the Amazon region. Its preservation is not only critical for community health but also for the sustainability of indigenous cultures and the richness of their craftsmanship.

  • Hoja, en estado de plántula las hojas son alargadas, y tienen un toque especial al momento de saborear la hoja, ya que se cree que es amargo, pero es a lo contrario, ya que cuando es árbol todo es amargo.

  • Frutas, cuando empieza a madurar el fruto que es de color verde, paulatinamente va cambiando de color café, no es comestible para los aves ni animales, pero para los grillos y hormigas si, cuando sus semillas caen al suelo.

  • Flores, para empezar la floración, sale como una especie de botones redondos a los pocos días se abren y sale la flor de color blanco con unas intermedias de color naranja.

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